Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Weekly Volunteer Update

Good Wednesday, All!

I’m just gonna start with the Hot News first: Fanta and Pistachio, our long-term black cats got adopted! Thank you Kathy for fostering these guys for so long.

Next up: thanks everyone who has jumped in for Maddie’s adoptathon shifts! We’ve got a few left: Check them out hereand let me know. We can also rescue a few more dogs in time for the Adoptathon, but need a few more temporary fosters- let me or Erica know if you can foster for a week or two!  Maddie’s is a huge opportunity for the animals and for the public to get to know Hopalong, so thank you dog and cat people, volunteers and fosters for making this such a success!
This Saturday was our flyering blitz and it was GREAT! Our volunteers created a database of over 250 places to plaster with flyers and brochures and the folks who came out this weekend hit over 70 of them! This is an opportunity anyone can participate in anytime, anywhere! The flyers are available online to download and print- post them just about anywhere you think someone like you might see them! If you’d like to come pick them up at the office, we’ve got them here for you, as well.

Thank you everyone, and have a fabulous afternoon.