Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Weekly Volunteer Update

Hi All,

From all of us here at Hopalong, we wish you a very happy and safe 4th of July! The office will be closed until Monday. In the meantime, some Pro Tips for you and your furry guys:

  • It is safer to keep your pets indoors and at home during Fourth of July celebrations. Keep your pets in the house (even indoor/outdoor dogs and cats).  Resist the temptation to bring your dog to fireworks shows.
  • Pets can be startled by the loud noise of fireworks. Once the festivities begin, keep your pet in a safe room where he can feel comfortable. If he is crate trained put him in his crate covered with a blanket to make him feel secure. 
  • Block outside sights and sounds by lowering the blinds and turning on the television. Play soothing music in the background to counteract the cacophony during the "rockets' red glare. 
  • If your pet seems overly anxious, you may need to skip fireworks displays all together.
  • Avoid scraps from the grill. While tempting to our pets, any sudden change to your pets' diet can cause stomach upset. Keep open adult beverages out of reach.
  • Many of the things we use on the 4th of July can be dangerous to animals. Keep insect repellant, matches and lighter fluid away from pets. Only use special sunscreen that is intended for animal use. Keep your pets away from matches and lighter fluid. They can be extremely irritating to the stomach, lungs and central nervous system, if ingested. 
  • Update your microchip information today! Should your pet get scared, escape and run away this is a great way to get him back. Collars and tags can fall off and microchips are only as good as their most recent information.

Some quick updates: We had some awesome adult cat adoptions this week! Cody and Savannah both got adopted at the mobile adoption at Your Basic Bird. Thanks Cat Team for your hard work. Thank you to Alexia, Anne, Erica and Katie for doing some last minute drives recently. (If anyone is ever game for a drive, we always need help in this department!)

We've got some fun stuff coming up and lots of room for volunteers. There are still spots for dog handling at the adoptathon at Jack London Square on July 13th and the mobile adoption at Pet Food Express on July 20th.  Also, if you or anyone you know is interested, we are accepting applications for our very first internship. Check out the ad here.

We’re hoping to be able to take more animals into the program this month and you can help make this happen. Kittens right now are usually shorter term commitments as they’re coming in a little older. We’re also hoping to pull some puppies- everyone loves puppies! If you can’t foster, think about spreading the word to your friends. We've found that the absolute best way to get more fosters is word of mouth. Talk it up, post it on your Facebook page or other social media and work your magic.

Thank you, everyone, for all of your time.